UI of Intuitive BI for PaperCut Hive

Intuitive BI releases its PaperCut Hive integration

Keep tabs on your print data in PaperCut Hive!

The Intuitive BI Connector for PaperCut Hive allows you to connect your print data from PaperCut Hive to Intuitive’s pre-integrated BI solution with a complete set of standard print management dashboards.

You can be up and running within a matter of hours allowing you to:

  • Harness the data stored in your instance of PaperCut Hive
  • Present a visual and dynamic print data summary for all key stakeholders
  • Tailor the data for individual users, departments or cost centres

The visual dashboards show where you can improve the efficiency of your print infrastructure – for example by highlighting print hotspots (by user, group or department), show under and over utilised MFDs.  Armed with this data you are better informed to manage and control print usage and spend. 

Regular reports can be personalised to match your organisation’s needs, removing the requirement to manually create reports, turn them into graphics and distribute to key people who need the information generated from PaperCut Hive.

Intuitive for PaperCut Hive FAQs

Q. Is there an additional cost for the BI Connector?

A. The Intuitive for PaperCut Hive add-on connector is free of charge.

Q. Is there much price difference between MF and Hive?

A. No, Intuitive for PaperCut Hive (V1.0) is the same price as Intuitive for PaperCut MF (V3.0), with a 5-device minimum order.

Q. Will we get the same features that we have in Intuitive for PaperCut MF with PaperCut Hive?

A. Intuitive for PaperCut Hive dashboards do not contain the Intuitive for PaperCut MF (V3.0) 8 pre-configured dashboards. Intuitive for PaperCut Hive consists of 4 pre-built dashboards based on the data available from Papercut Hive. There are the Executive Summary, User Analysis, Printer Analysis and Scan Analysis dashboards.

Q. How do I install the BI Connector for Intuitive for PaperCut Hive?

A. The BI Connector is a simple download from the PaperCut Hive Add Ons / Analytics page. We also require an installed version of the Intuitive for PaperCut dashboards. This can either be from a server, local PC or private cloud. (NB: we do not require customers to have a full version of SQL server installed for our Hive dashboards as they use SQL Lite.) If you need any support, then please do contact our support desk (support@weareintuitive.com) – we are always happy to help.

Q. Will there be a trial licence POC for Hive?

A. Yes there is, it is for a 40-day period, and you will need to request this through the Partner Portal – Customer Trial Licence Key. Once we have received this request, we can then approve it and send you the licence activation key.

Q. How can we get NFRs for Intuitive for PaperCut Hive?

A.  You need to request the Intuitive BI Connector through the PaperCut Hive Add-Ons webpage and then you will be able to request the NFR for Hive dashboards through Intuitive’s Partner Portal.

Q. If the customer is using PaperCut MF, can they migrate across?

A. Yes, if they are migrating they might wish to keep an archive copy of their PaperCut MF data, and then install the new dashboards for the PaperCut Hive data.

Q. Can I have both Hive and MF instances on our demo server?

A. Yes you can – this will require a little extra set-up, but please contact Support@weareintuitive.com for instructions.

Q. Can we buy a licence just for several months to keep in line with an existing PaperCut Hive customer?

A. Yes our pricing includes a per-month fee which allows you to keep the Intuitive licence expiration in line with other licences such as PaperCut.

Installing Intuitive on PaperCut Hive

If you’d like a demo or to try it out, head to the form below and we’ll get in touch with you!

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