selectec sales team Q&A

The support team thought it would be interesting to ask some of the Sales Team Q&A to figure out what they actually do all day and why they do not sell anything…

  • Q: Can you explain the difference between a sales team and what selectec do (channel management)?

    Stephen: Sales is more proactive, for example; telesales and door to door sales people (usually direct and to end users). Channel refers to selling to a reseller who sells products to an end user, usually more reactive selling when resellers are established.

    Sian: Channel management is all around Sales and Relationship Management, making sure guidelines and customers managed correctly. Channel management is all about relationships and making sure partners are happy.

    Ben: Channel management is ensuring that the integrity of the entire reseller channel is maintained, ensuring that from the beginning of the opportunity through to the installation and post sales support, all areas are managed and conducted correctly. Maintaining a pro-active and professional channel of partners will ensure a completely satisfactory customer experience with any part of our current solutions portfolio.

  • Q: What are the necessary qualities to be a successful Channel Manager?

    Stephen: Enthusiasm, wit, empathy and stunning looks are a must.

    Sian: The ability to say no, Being positive and upbeat, empathetic and a good sense of humor.

    Ben: Energy, Enthusiasm, Engagement with partners and a backbone to boot. Being funny helps too.

  • Q: Why did you get into channel management?

    Stephen: Because I enjoy building relationships with partners long term.

    Sian: Building Relationships.

    Ben: Relationships and rapport building is what I do best. I love my job.

  • Q: Favorite way you turned a negative meeting into a positive outcome?

    Stephen: I always try to make people laugh and try to listen to their needs.

    Sian: Being honest and doing the best for them not bluffing and making false promises.

    Ben: A negative meeting is just an opportunity to improve yourself. A opportunity to learn and grown can never be seen as a negative.

  • Q: Do you need to be technical?

    Stephen: You need some awareness of products and how to demonstrate them. Anything really technical is left to the support team.

    Sian: It helps, however, we have a great Team here.

    Ben: TechniSales (yes I coined that phrase) is essential when it comes to working with software, having an understanding of what the products do and how they do it shows engagement and confidence with said product.

  • Q: Is it all about bottles of expensive whisky and days on the golf course?

    Stephen: Some of the best conversations happen when people are more relaxed, but most of the time it's all about business.

    Sian: No, it is not "Mad Men".

    Ben: No, it helps to conduct business in a relaxed environment, but when it comes to business we are ALWAYS professional.

  • Q: Do you feel any pressure?

    Stephen: Yes absolutely, we are all a team and without every department, we couldn't sell many solutions.

    Sian: Yes it's all about team work.

    Ben: Yes indeed, we are on the front line ensuring these products are sold and the channel is supported correctly. No product sells itself (sadly).

  • Q: Do great products really sell themselves?

    Stephen: Never, some products are more sellable than others. A lot of customers don't even realize that they have a problem that needs to be fixed.

    Sian: Not always, People buy from people.

    Ben: No, see above answer to previous question and Sian is bang on, people buy from people.

  • Q: Is it about shifting boxes?

    Stephen: Usually emails containing license keys, but that's the final part of the sale, a lot of consultation and onsite testing takes place why before that.

    Sian: Not anymore.

    Ben: Every customer is different and needs a different box, so no.

  • Q: Everyone sell solutions, what does it mean?

    Stephen: Not always but the world has changed, and software can do clever things these days that compliment hardware sales.

    Sian: Not everyone but the market is ever evolving and technology too, people want solutions to make processes easier.

    Ben: Everyone can "sell" solutions, but it takes a certain company to offer solutions correctly. Being invested in the product and ensuring you are matching the correct product to the customer's need’s is of vital importance.

  • Q: Do you sell on price?

    Stephen: We try not to as we have cost effective solutions that quickly pay for themselves. Price is only a problem if there is no perceived value.

    Sian: Sometimes it is down to price, but again relationships are critical and overall service.

    Ben: Selling on price just means you haven't explained or matched the solution correctly, these products will pay for themselves and always have a great ROI.

  • Q: Do people really buy from people?

    Stephen: I believe so, especially as we work with many long established resellers partners.

    Sian: Absolutely, in the industry, it is all about trust.

    Ben: 100%, this is a fundamental aspect of channel management.

  • Q: Do first impressions matter?

    In unison: Yes absolutely.

  • Q: What is your favorite part about providing a demonstration?

    Stephen: Watching resellers faces when they get as excited as me about a product.

    Sian: Feeling like I'm making a difference to their business.

    Ben: Getting that agreement from the reseller/client that this bit of software will really benefit them and their business.

  • Q: Crystal ball time, what is the next big thing?

    Stephen: Mobile print.

    Sian: Mobile Print.

    Ben: Mobile & 3D Print.

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