The role of MPS in Digital Transformation

Quocirca, the business and IT analysis firm, recently found that in relation to Digital Transformation “just 27% of organisations using Manage Print Services are very satisfied with their MPS providers with regard to a clear information management strategy that incorporates paper and digital processes”.

So this brings into focus two aspects/key areas regarding MPS.1) organisations view MPS as part of their Digital Transformation journey, and 2) there is opportunity for MPS providers to take the lead in the industry by providing additional services, such as consulting, MPS customisation and system integration, to enable Digital Transformation.

If you’re a Digital Transformation purist, you may argue that adding software to your print process isn’t true Digital Transformation:

The use of digital technologies to enable innovation across business and social activities, rather than simply enhancing and supporting traditional methods.

But this doesn’t preclude MPS from being a part of an organisations digital transformation efforts.

By the very nature that MPS is consistently helping organisations reduce their print costs, which average 1% of revenue, by 30%-40%, MPS is a direct contributor to cost savings that can be re-assigned to the investment in other Digital Transformation activities.

So there is your first opportunity.

Then if organisations work with an MPS partner that has consulting, configuration, development and integration resources, true opportunities for innovation can be found as the full possibilities of the security, workflow management and access management features are utilised.

As with any change programme, organisations will require a partner that can provide reliable, expert support and service, not only for the initial roll-out of change, but also for the ongoing continuous improvement that enables the organisation to continue moving forward with innovation, and deliver greater gains.