
PaperCut SMB Promotion extended

Due to the hugely successful SMB promotion on PaperCut MF, we are delighted to announce this offer has been extended through to the end of the year (2016). For anyone unaware of this exciting offer or if you need a quick reminder then the full details are below:

SMB Only
The offer applies to new licenses ONLY and includes 100 Commercial/Professional user licenses free of charge (education licenses are excluded), the user count must not exceed 100 users and must contain a minimum of one and a maximum of six embedded licenses (of any manufacturer variety).

By offering (up to) 100 free users, this promotion will appeal to every SMB.

Papercut Logo Large

The SMB promotion is a fantastic way of introducing PaperCut to smaller organisations interested in the great features that PaperCut provides and makes even more competitive to these customers.

This offer should not be used as a way of obtaining more cost effective licensing via an upgrade shortly after an order is placed.Therefore, please be aware that every order will be closely monitored by our administrators, any partner found requesting a disproportionate amount of upgrades shortly after an SMB Promo license has been processed may have their ability to use this discount code withdrawn.

Also, when renewing the end customers Premium Upgrade Assurance (PUA) it will be calculated on the full value of the pre-discounted license value.

Staying relevant

PaperCut is continually monitoring what is happen in the market and FYI companies today are wasting “*An average 14% of revenue.” on document-related tasks and inefficient printing systems. 

This promotion gives you the right tool at the right price to go out and help those customers deal with this issue. Adopting a good print strategy in the workplace can help many businesses. By making a few simple adjustments you can help to boost company profits and reduce waste.

*Source: IDC Group

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