PaperCut MF 14.2

PaperCut MF 14.2

PaperCut MF 14.2

PaperCut has just released their latest version PaperCut MF 14.2 and with it comes a handful of changes to make life better. Plus the best bit is a lot of the new features come directly from reseller or customer suggestions, making this release extra special 🙂

Included are email to print enhancements, multi-server PaperCut deployment tweaks and reduced admin overhead and new embedded platforms to play with. Good news all-round!

So, what’s new in 14.2?


New Embedded Options

The big announcement on the embedded side of things is the arrival of two new embedded platforms in the form of RISO and Canon solutions. Be sure to check out the official Canon video below for an overview.


Email to Print changes

By popular demand, this feature now supports Microsoft Word, Excel & PowerPoint file attachments. Making life much easier for BYOD users. If you have a need for additional formats then be sure to email and ask nicely.


ID Number auto-generation

If you follow us on Twitter (@selectec) you may have already seen the video on this new feature. If not you can check it out below. ID Auto Generation should make creating ID numbers for customers less of a chore.


PaperCut Search

Perhaps the most important change is the new and improved search function within PaperCut. It allows for a much more efficient way to target specific jobs or users across all PaperCut networked devices and queues. The search will make setting up virtual queues or find me printing much easier for those sites with many print queues. Plus it will stop the author of this blog post asking for this feature. Thank you Dev Team!

As always the full release notes are below, If you would like more information about PaperCut just get in touch.