PaperCut License FAQs

PaperCut Licence FAQs

PaperCut License FAQs

Now that the new PaperCut licence model has settled in nicely, we have time to go over a couple of FAQs:

Is the competitive cross-grade Program still running?


I have been asleep since 2007, remind me what the cross-grade program is again?

The incentive program is designed to proactively replace competitive print management solutions in the EMEA region.

Program Details:

  • If a customer is switching over from a similarly featured online network copy, print, scan & fax system you may offer them a 10% discount on all components.
  • A 10% discount will be applied to the entire order, including a user licence, embedded licence, and M&S. The discount is applied to the SRP then your own margin level is applied.
  • The new licence must include an embedded device, and this discount cannot be used on Software only licences.
  • Proof that the customer owns a licence for the competitive product (e.g. an email to with an invoice or a clear screenshot showing the product and customer name). Further details of the customer’s existing solution may be requested.
  • Existing and new authorised resellers are eligible for this promotion.

The current program is running until December this year, but we suspect it will carry on (we will make it a success) PaperCut reserves the right to cancel this program at its discretion and will support the quote 40 days from the cancellation date.

I would email us the proof first, just to make sure. And yes, PaperCut are fairly fussy when it comes to proof.

NG-MF upgrade

This is now a flat 10% discount off the order total. Previously, this was 50% off users, but there are no users anymore!

For clarity, the 10% discount is applied to the RRP then your partner discount is applied to the new RRP.

Sadly, you don’t suddenly get 10% on top of your reseller discount. Sorry… it doesn’t work like that!

Unlimited user licence?

As you now know, any new licence – apart from an SMB licence – will come with unlimited users.

Any legacy licence (pre v19.0) can have unlimited users by doing one of the following three things:

  1. Renew the M&S (if it has expired) or extend the M&S term
  2. Add an embedded licence (please note – A licence exchange/swap does not grant unlimited users)
  3. Buy the unlimited users upgrade (you can find that under Add-ons in the quote tool)

The cheapest option might be to add a new embedded licence, depending on how many the customer has. Either way, getting unlimited users on a legacy licence isn’t a challenge.

There are a lot of organisations that could easily be swayed to upgrade – for example, think of all the schools having issues with their user count every new school year or during exam time. If you propose this at the lower cost, we are confident it won’t have trouble getting approved. One upgrade won’t get you that new kitchen extension, but there are an awful lot of legacy licences out there that could have this added (or better yet, sell more support!).

Haven’t heard about the new changes to PaperCut’s Licence model? Where have you been! You can check out all that’s new here!