
Purchasing PaperCut MF

First of all, thank you for expressing an interest in PaperCut. Secondly, it’s our role to provide advice and support for PaperCut resellers and integrators throughout the UK. Due to this, we do not sell PaperCut MF directly to end users. We are happy to discuss Purchasing PaperCut MF and answer any questions (licensing or technical) you may have about the functionality of any of the components of PaperCut but are unable to provide pricing or quotes.

So what do you do?

  1. The first port of call (assuming you have a good relationship) should be with your incumbent hardware supplier. We have worked long and hard to make sure PaperCut MF is sold and supported by certified resellers, so you have a good chance they already have PaperCut in their portfolio.
  2. If all else fails, then give us a call as we do not want to force you into dealing with any organisation you may not be comfortable working with.

When contacting any PaperCut reseller, it will speed up things up if you provide as much information as possible about your requirements and also understand how PaperCut MF pricing works. PaperCut pricing is based on the number of users you wish to be monitored by PaperCut. This is usually the number of users in the domain / directory. Tracking (and hence licensing) a subset of users is supported e.g. students but not staff. If an organization wants to monitor the printing of a subset of their users but there are technical difficulties importing just those users into PaperCut, then a license exception may be applicable.

Be sure to also include information about any MFDs you want to track the copy usage on.

Licensing notes:

  • There is no limit on the number of servers or workstations.
  • Multiple domains are supported, provided the licence covers the total number of unique users.
  • Multiple physical sites are permitted but an additional charge may be applied where the number of physical locations exceeds five.
  • If you are a current PaperCut NG user, then mention this as discounts apply when upgrading to MF from NG.
  • If you use a competitor’s product and wish to upgrade to MF, then mention this there may be a cross grade discount available.
  • A single PaperCut Release Station license is included with each PaperCut MF license. Please note a Release Station license is not the same as an embedded license.
  • Premium upgrade assurance is mandatory for the first year.

Extra information:

  • PaperCut MF Tour – Look here to learn more about PaperCut features
  • PaperCut MF Sandbox demo – Want to have a play? PaperCut have provided a sandbox where you can use the PaperCut Admin and User tools to experience the ease of use and power of PaperCut first hand.
  • Embedded Videos – The PaperCut website has various videos showing you how each embedded platform looks and feels and gives you a great idea of the workflow for print and copy control. These are also available on the PaperCut YouTube channel.
  • See what everyone else is saying on the PaperCut testimonials and marketing pages.