
Advanced customisation of PaperCut

Version 17 of PaperCut introduced a new style for the intuitive PaperCut web-based user interface which enables customisation of PaperCut. This modern look and feel is now highly customisable thanks to further updates of the product. 17 included new functionality to allow anyone to quickly and easily integrate PaperCut within their organisation regardless of technical skill set.

Version 17 started off by enabling SysAdmins to make changes to the Admin dashboard. After overwhelming feedback, the next step was to extend this to other areas of the product including the client tool, user interface, and login screen. Existing customers will be encouraged to upgrade, and it demonstrates the value of PaperCut’s Premium Upgrade Assurance program.

The WOW factor – Personalise your demos and trials

The updated design presents a modern look and an intuitive layout that allows PaperCut to stand out from the crowd. As a PaperCut reseller being able to customise the UI for any prospective customers you visit, or that come to your showroom is sure to impress.

Spending 5 minutes on the prospects website to grab their logo and get an idea of their branding setup will allow you to quickly change PaperCut’s look and feel to match something the customer is already very comfortable with. If the demo is an onsite POC then changing the settings at the client premises and leaving it with them for the 40-day trial will show them how seamlessly PaperCut will integrate into their organisation.

Once the demonstration in the showroom is over the settings can be reverted to defaults with a click of a button ready for the next opportunity.

Examples of the custom login screen

Sounds great, where do I change these settings?

Head over to the PaperCut online support site for in-depth instructions on what can be changed and how to do it. Or, simply jump into the Admin UI, click Options and scroll down to the Branding section and have a play.

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