
The Value of Professional Services

A quick read of any IT or business focused publication, whether it’s online or print, and you’ll be able to read a number of articles that impress the importance of equipping your organisation, and that of your customers, to be ready to reap the benefits of Digital Transformation via our Professional Services.

There’s a lot of focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), FinTech, Industry 4.0 and a wide range of other technologies, designed to improve processes, engage employees and customers in better ways and satisfy the need for transactions to be completed quicker. Although many organisations will want to plan how they can implement and make best use of these new technologies, the investment required is often placing the reality of utilising these tools out of reach, until funds can be found and justified.

This is where Selectec’s consulting and customisation services can help.
Just take a look at the end-to-end processes taking place in many organisations and you’ll notice that hardcopy data, such as legal agreements, sales contracts and employment documents, are still core to business as usual (BAU) processes. There are huge efficiencies to be found, and therefore savings and margins to be gained, by looking at a strategy that improves the process involving the printing and scanning activities, to deliver automation in the process of transforming hardcopy data into digital. And because many organisations have unique processes, our consultancy service is used to design, implement and support solutions that bring an increased level of efficiency, accuracy and data security to their operations.

Enabling capabilities such as print cost management and client billing assignment, or scan direct to department folders using OCR technology, is a key focus for Selectec, and to this end, the services we offer are used to support our channel partners, in delivering bespoke solutions to their end customers. Solutions include bespoke software functionality, integration to wider business systems, such as payment services, finance, ERP and CRM, and links to common cloud and server based document management systems, such as Dropbox, Sharepoint and Google Suite.

Channel partners can easily access this valuable resource, by speaking with their Selectec Channel Manager. End users can simply ask their MFD reseller to contact Selectec, to get the process started.

Hear more about the value of Selectec’s consulting and configuration services from our Pre-Sales Consultant, Graham Foxwell.