
Customise Print and Document solutions using integrations

Here’s an idea of the kind of integrations we create. These are ready for you to use today! If you can’t find what you’re looking for, get in touch, and we’ll make it happen!

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Print Management Integrations for PaperCut

Here’s an idea of the kind of integrations we create. These are ready for you to use today!

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, get in touch, and we’ll make it happen!

ConnectWise accounting integration

An application that uses ConnectWise’s API to import usage information from PaperCut into ConnectWise, putting everything you need to bill a client in one place.

With more than 90,000 users and 6,000 businesses, ConnectWise is a leading business management platform for companies that support, service, and sell technology.

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Artiion legal integration

An application that automatically syncs Artiion’s clients and matters with PaperCut’s Shared Accounts to make customer billing easier. Users can also import usage information from PaperCut into Elite, putting everything you need to bill a client in one place.

Artiion is a Case Management System by LexisNexis, a leading global provider of workflow solutions for professionals in the legal, risk management, corporate, government, law enforcement, accounting, and academic markets.

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Cognito legal integration

An application that automatically syncs Cognito’s clients and matters with PaperCut’s Shared Accounts to make customer billing easier.

Cognito Software is one of the UK’s leading legal software providers, providing Case Management, Practice Management and Legal Accounting solutions to over 2500 solicitors.

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Elite legal integration

An application that automatically syncs Elite’s clients and matters with PaperCut’s Shared Accounts to make customer billing easier. Users can also import usage information from PaperCut into Elite, putting everything you need to bill a client in one place.

Elite (by Thomson Reuters) is a premier provider of Financial and Practice Management Systems to the legal industry and other professional services markets.

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Meridian legal integration

Meridian is a UK-based Case Management Software provider.

Selectec has developed an application to automatically synchronise Meridian's clients and matters with PaperCut’s Shared Accounts to make billing customers easier.
With more than 90,000 users and 6,000 businesses, ConnectWise is a leading business management platform for companies that support, service, and sell technology.

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Proclaim legal integration

An application that automatically syncs Proclaim’s clients and matters with PaperCut’s Shared Accounts to make customer billing easier.

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Haven Systems payment gateway

The Haven Systems on demand payment gateway will connect directly to your Haven system when a user sends a print job or starts a copy to check their balance and deduct the cost from the user’s Haven purse.

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WisePay Payment Gateway Integration

A connector that lets users top up their PaperCut account using WisePay – a cashless, single-platform system providing managed services in the education and local authority sector.

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Square 9 Email Gateway

Square9 Email Gateway collects your scanned documents from PaperCut MF and processes them into Square9’s GlobalCapture and GlobalSearch products. Scans can be routed to the correct Square9 workflow process.

The gateway uses PaperCut MF Scan to Email feature and accepts scanned documents from other email-based services.

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