Spring Clean

Spring clean drive C:\

Databases are great things, they allow us to easily grab data and display it in many formats, the bad side, of course, is that sometimes a database can get a little upset.

A full disk or any sort of disk corruption such as those caused by power outages or unexpected system shutdown/failures can corrupt a database.

So to ensure PaperCut lives a long and happy life on your server make sure PaperCut has enough room for the database to grow.

JAM Software offers a great bit of software called Tree Size that will show you where that missing disk space is, you would be surprised at the junk that collects in temp folders.

So if you have ignored all the warning signs from your operating system and have corrupted the PaperCut database what do you do? First up do not panic and secondly read on…

How do I restore a PaperCut database if the database is corrupted?

You will need at least one good backup file from the backup directory [app-dir]\server\data\backups\. To restore the database follow the instructions below.

Spring Clean



Option 1 – restore via your own backup software

If you have an off disk backup, simply:

Stop the PaperCut Application Server service (Control Panel->Admin Tools->Services), or run the stop-server script in [app-dir]server/bin[platform] if running on Linux or Mac.
Restore all files and folders located at: [app-dir]server/data/internal


Option 2 – restore using one of PaperCut’s point-in-time backups

  1. Login to the PaperCut server.
  2. Stop the PaperCut Application Server service (Control Panel->Admin Tools->Services), or run the stop-server script in [app-dir]server/bin[platform] if running on Linux or Mac.
  3. As a backup, take a copy of the [app-dir]server/data/internal directory.
  4. Open a command prompt (cmd.exe).
  5. Change to the [app-dir]server/bin[platform] directory. e.g. cd “C:Program FilesPaperCut NGserverbinwin”
  6. Run the following command to re-initialize the database: db-tools.exe init-db -f
  7. Then restore your backup into the database by doing the following (changing the backup file name as appropriate)
    db-tools.exe import-db “C:/Program Files/PaperCut NG/server/data/backups/export-2009-05-10T00-20-03.zip”
  8. Once completed, restart the application server service.