The Selectec+ program
Let our experts handle product support so you can concentrate on growth!

Selectec+ is an additional service designed to streamline your customers support experience. Instead of Customers contacting your internal support team for support, requests related to Selectec products and services can be handled directly by us. Selectec+ allows your customer to contact Selectec's support team on your behalf. This provides a more direct line to our expertise, potentially leading to faster resolution times and more specialised assistance and frees up your time to help you focus more on sales!
Why choose Selectec+ support?
Focus on what you’re good at and let us do the rest. We support your sales, providing you with the expertise you don’t have the time or resources for, allowing you to sell your customers a broader range of services.
Become the ‘Support Hero’ your customers need
Enhance the services within your existing solutions and upgrade your service portfolio. Selectec+ enables you to provide a wider range of services and complementary products, allowing you to deliver a more holistic client experience and increase customer retention.
Your own dedicated pre-sales consultants
Let us answer those tricky technical pre-sales questions and demonstrate your value proposition to clients.
Uncover hidden requirements and opportunities during pre-scoping meetings, leading to more comprehensive proposals and happier clients.
Dedicated direct support
Provide your customers peace of mind through dedicated support personnel, readily available to address their needs via best-of-breed support systems and a DDI helpline, boosting confidence in your solutions.
Professional services
Helping you bring solutions to life
We specialise in offering customised software solutions that cater to your customers’ unique requirements. Our team of experts can develop software in a controlled environment to ensure it meets your expectations, providing you with the assistance you need to take your business or organisation to the next level.
Our in-house development team can design, build, test, implement, and support a bespoke integration for you and your clients. Let us help you achieve your goals and take your business to new heights.