Scanning and capture

Empower your organisation with a seamless transition from paper to digital.

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Why add scanning and capture to a business solution?

Streamlining document workflows is crucial in today’s fast-paced business environment. Scanning and capture solutions bridge the gap between traditional paper documents and modern digital systems, offering a powerful foundation for document management.

The benefits of scanning and capture in modern businesses

Enhanced productivity

Automate document workflows with scanning and capture solutions to free up employee time for strategic tasks.

Improved accessibility

With cloud-based storage, you can access essential files from anywhere, anytime. This will promote teamwork and information exchange across teams and departments.

Increased security

Protect sensitive information with encrypted documents and controlled access. Enforce user permissions and audit trails to ensure robust data security.

Simplified compliance

Ensure adherence to industry regulations and simplify audit processes. Electronically store and manage documents for easy retrieval, fostering compliance and peace of mind.

Reduced costs

Scanning and capture solutions promote a paperless environment, saving your business money. Integrating with print management systems further optimises print costs.

Streamlined Print Management

Automating print workflows directly from MFPs reduces the burden on your IT team. User authentication ensures secure access and prevents unauthorised printing.

How can scanning and capture technology complement existing infrastructure?

Integration with cloud services

Effortlessly connect your scanning and capture solution to popular cloud storage platforms like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft OneDrive. Streamline document storage and accessibility for a truly collaborative work environment.

Workflow automation

Automate repetitive tasks associated with document capture. For enhanced efficiency, pre-defined workflows can streamline processes like document routing, approval chains, and automatic data extraction.

Universal capture

Digitise and manage your documents with ease using user-friendly apps. Capture documents from scanners, printers, email and mobile devices. Keep track of all your important paperwork in one place, making it easier to find and organise when you need it.

Print Management integration

Integrate your scanning and capture solution with your existing print management system. Streamline document scanning directly from MFPs, eliminating the need for manual printing and scanning workflows. User authentication and access controls can be enforced, ensuring secure document capture directly at the point of origin.

What can your customers do with scanning and capture solutions?

Captur - low-cost Document Management

Capture automation

Convert any document type - scans, emails, faxes - into a searchable digital format and organise it. You can also bring in data from an MFP for a seamless workflow.

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Process management

Automate actions based on scanned document content analysis. Send notifications or trigger approvals workflows to improve business efficiency.

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Web forms

Create web forms that capture data for indexing and automation. They can be used in Sales Orders, Application Forms, Registrations, Time Sheets and more

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File search

Efficiently manage your data by simplifying capture, retrieval, and distribution, and access documents from any browser. Top-of-the-range security policies ensure data protection.

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Learn more about Document Management Solutions

Webinar: Evolving, digitising and automating print!

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Webinar: How ECM can work to make businesses more efficient and secure

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Webinar: Using PaperCut to scan directly into Square 9's DMS

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Webinar: Getting started with Document Management Software

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