Drivve Image

3rd Party Scanning Integration

As much as our pro-services team loved managing the projects, the days of writing custom connectors for 3rd party scanning applications into back end systems are at and end. The cost to clients to keep these bespoke systems up to date and maintain them through updates of scanning into 3rd party systems was not cost effective. Therefore, Drivve image only has a small number of direct connectors to back-end system, which is the case for most Imaging software out there on the market, not just Drivve Image.

Is it all doom and gloom? Of course not, Never fear, the world has moved on and today’s back-end/back-office systems, can happily import scanned documents using metadata or even directly using WebDAV, or writing to the ODBC database via Drivve Image.

The good news? Drivve Image can support most back-end/back-office systems. If your back-end/back-office systems can pull scanned documents into their system with meta data for indexing, or we can read from or write to the database, then we have a great chance of integrating with it for a seamless solution with our 3rd party scanning integration service.


Looking for more details? Get in touch with the team | ps@selectec.com


This is typically how we integrate into 3rd party systems:

File name with multiple index fields

Create a file name that contains multiple index fields that are delimited by some sort of set character. For instance, you could name your file the following way:
<vendor name>_<date>_<reference number>.pdf
In many cases, the third-party system can parse through this file name and use these fields as database fields for this file.

Additional CSV or XML file

Send a CSV or XML file along with the scan. By default, the CSV output of Drivve | Image will have all possible meta data fields in it, and you can specify the ASCII characteristics. In the case of an XML file, you can create a transform file, or XSL, and place it in the Transforms subfolder of Drivve | Image. This will allow you to specify the format of the XML file to match the requirements of the third-party system.

Note: XSL files created by Drivve
In the Transform folder, there are XSL files created by Drivve for past integrations. However, these are not supported as full integrations by Drivve. Often, those XSL files require a profound knowledge of the destination application, i.e., the third-party system, in order to fully work.

Run the 3rd party application via command line

After the scan job has been finished. In the File Output section of Drivve | Image, you can choose to run an application after every scan job is complete. You can even pass Drivve | Image variables as command line parameters to this application.
Example: You can write a command line which passes the customer name the customer name to the third-party system. The third-party system creates a folder using the customer name as folder name and stores the scanned document in this folder.

WebDAV-based applications

WebDAV is supported starting with Drivve | Image Version 7.0
Scan documents into WebDAV-based applications. You can determine a folder within the WebDAV-based application for filing the scanned documents. Alternatively, you can create a new folder for filing the scanned documents.

ODBC databases
Update existing fields in ODBC databases (Update) and insert new data sets in ODBC databases (Insert).
Use case: You can update an ODBC database with the index data of the scanned document and its file location.